Horwood, Lovacott and Newton Tracey Parish Council


PRESENT:  Councillor Miss G Edsell (Chairman), Councillors Mrs J Lock, K Moore and Mrs L Wilkinson.

Also present:  Mrs S Squire, Parish Clerk.

1.         Apologies.    Councillors J Bennett and B Tilbury

2.         Declarations of Interest.

3.         Planning.
59122 – Insertion of window on South elevation at Bartridge Cottage, Newton Tracey.

It was resolved to recommend approval.

4.         Small Authorities Transparency Code 2014.   This became mandatory on 1/4/15.
Certain information has to be displayed by 1/7/15 on a website to which the public have free access.
Councillors noted that Horwood Lovacott and Newton Tracey Parish Council does not have a website in place at the present time.
Councillors were advised that Mr T Squire had prepared websites for Parish Councils at a cost of £200.00 plus the additional cost of the domain name and hosting.

Due to the Parish Council not being quorate following insufficient Councillors standing for the Parish Council Election, in order to be compliant with the regulations being provided by 1/7/15, a decision had to be made at this Meeting as it was not known when the Parish Council would be operational again.

In view of the uncertainty of the Parish Council situation it was decided this would be held in abeyance until a new Parish Council had been formed. 

The wording for Tenders was agreed to be used at that time.

It may well be that the billing authority hosts the details on its website until such time as a new Parish Council is formed as indicated in Part 3, point 32 of the guidelines.

Proposed by Councillor Miss Edsell, seconded by Councillor Mrs Wilkinson and agreed.

Post Meeting Note:   The Clerk had ascertained that the billing authority (North Devon Council) facility was simply to link its website with the fully constructed website of a Parish.

5.         Finance. 
Due to the Parish Council not being quorate following insufficient Councillors standing for the Parish Council Election, Councillors to make a decision for the following payments to be authorised.

This is to adequately make provision for the Parish Council’s member of staff and to ensure that all known expected Invoices are paid up to date.

Proposed by Councillor Mrs Wilkinson, seconded by Councillor Miss Edsell and agreed.

Mrs S Squire                                                                          
May Salary                                                                               £89.44
Contribution towards Broadband                                              £  3.00             £92.44

Mrs S Squire
June Salary                                                                              £89.44
Contribution towards Broadband                                              £  3.00             £92.44

Mrs S Squire  
July Salary                                                                               £89.44
Contribution towards Broadband                                              £  3.00             £92.44

Contribution towards petrol is usually claimed every 6 Months (January & July).  This will be claimed when the Parish Council is operational. 

HMRC              May PAYE                                                                               £22.40
HMRC              June PAYE                                                                              £22.40
HMRC              July PAYE                                                                                £22.40

South & West Internal Audit                                                               £90.00
Fee for carrying out the internal audit

 Lovacott Village Hall                                                                                      £10.00
Charge for hiring the Hall for this Meeting 2 hours at £5.00 per hour  (small room used)

There will be no Invoice from external auditors Grant Thornton as the turnover is less than £10,000.

6.         Delegatory Powers while the Parish Council is inquorate.

Proposed by Councillor Moore, seconded by Councillor Mrs Wilkinson and agreed that delegatory powers are granted to the Parish Clerk, Mrs S Squire to make decisions on behalf of the Parish Council during the time the Parish Council in inquorate.

The Meeting ended at 8.49pm.