Horwood, Lovacott and Newton Tracey Parish Council


PRESENT:  Councillor Miss G Edsell (Chairman), Councillors J Bennett, Mrs J Lock, K Moore, B Tilbury, Mrs L Wilkinson.

Also in attendance:  County Councillor F Biederman, District Councillor B Moores, 4 members of the public and Mrs S Squire, Parish Clerk.

1.         Apologies.    PCSO J McEldon.

2.         Declarations of Interest.  None.

3.         Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 11/03/15.
Approved and signed as a correct record.

4.         Public Participation regarding items not on the Agenda.  None.

5.         Reports:
5.1       Police.  When sending her apologies, PCSO McEldon advised there were no crimes to report.

5.2       County Councillor F Biederman advised that repairs on the Horwood to Webbery road had been done. 
The extra £7 million funding from the government has seen improvement of A and B roads, but lesser roads which play a part in the tourism industry, will not have the same treatment.

5.3       District Councillor B Moore did not have anything to report.
Councillor Tilbury commented on the litter pick along the North Devon Link Road and would like to think the B3232 road could also be done.
County Councillor Biederman advised that it was not likely funding would be granted for this.  However if a volunteer came forward as a Road Warden and was Chapter 8 trained, free of charge by DCC, it could be a possibility.
The TAP (Town and Parish) Fund could be used to supply high visibility jackets and pickers. 
Items flying out of the recycling lorries had been reported.
Councillor K Moore thought that the quality and standard of the new homes at The Orchards should be commended.

6.         Matters Arising.
6.1       Highway Matters and in particular the road from Horwood to Webbery.  Correspondence between DCC Highways, County Councillor F Biederman and the Parish Council was noted.
It was noted that the work had been carried out.

6.2       Community Speedwatch.  A reply from the Police had been received and was read to the Meeting.  The email firstly mentioned the idea of chicanes at Newton Tracey Hill which it was thought was unlikely due to financial constraints, but additionally the road narrows through the village making it hard for the Highway authority to create calming measures.  There could be annoyance to residents by additional noise created as a result of any calming such as air brakes and engines revving to move off.   
The writer of the email, PC Goulding, Road Casualty Reduction Officer (North) also mentioned that he hoped Councillors were aware of a Planning Application to increase the capacity of Deep Moor Tip which will mean an increase in large goods vehicles using this route to access the tip.

PC Goulding had expressed some concern over this due to the number of properties that front the road and the possibility of additional damage being caused to them, but the Police are not statutory consultees, and the experts are the Highway engineers.
PC Goulding advised as follows regarding the setting up of a Community Speed Watch scheme: This is a scheme that is operated by a community and is a directed intervention which is appropriate and proportionate to the level of proven speeding and is directed by the SCARF (Speed Complaint And Review Forum). It is only set up where an issue has been identified and SCARF has directed that it is appropriate.
The SCARF process is a process agreed between Devon and Cornwall Police and Devon County Council (Highways) as a method of assessing speeding complaints and directing the appropriate intervention. Some speed monitoring will need to be carried out initially, and if that suggests there is an issue to be investigated, then SDR's (Speed Data Recorders) would need to be set up. These devices record the speed and volume of traffic over 24 hours for a full week period. The data provided is then worked through a flow chart which directs the appropriate level of intervention which ranges from "No Action" to "Engineering" and covers everything in between, including Community Speed Watch (CSW).
If CSW was an appropriate intervention, PC Goulding would need to identify a safe and suitable location for the scheme to operate. The community would be asked to provide at least 6 volunteers to operate the scheme who would need to be vetted as Police Volunteers which can be quite a lengthy process. Once cleared, training is then arranged where the equipment is provided to the scheme, then the team can operate.
It is an escalation process where the details of an offending vehicle are recorded and a letter generated which is sent to the registered keeper. If the same vehicle is checked again in any scheme operating throughout Devon and Cornwall within a year, a further letter is generated which is delivered in person by the PCSO or Neighbourhood Officer for the area in which the driver lives (within Devon and Cornwall) or posted again if outside the force area. A third offence within a year generates an entry on the Police National Computer and a directed action briefing.

The most recent monitoring in the area was a few years ago and showed high levels of compliance with the 30mph speed limit.

Parish Councillors and County Councillor Biederman expressed surprise about reference to the increase in capacity of Deep Moor tip as Councillor Biederman was under the impression it was closing.  He went on to say that he did not think an incinerator would be viable.
Action Point:  The Clerk to send an email to County Councillor Biederman enquiring about the Planning Application and also in relation to the size of the lorries and where they would be coming from.  DCC Planning Department and the Police to be copied in.

County Councillor Biederman advised that if 85% of the traffic is speeding, no action will be taken.  He suggested that if anyone feels someone is speeding, that the Police are contacted on the 101 number to report dangerous driving, after having taken the registration number of the vehicle.
Broady Strap in Fremington was the only place in his area that a speed check saw over 85% of traffic speeding.

7.         Planning. Councillor Miss Edsell spoke about Planning Application No. 58960 submitted by Mosscliff Environmental Planning Application for a wind turbine at Woolmers Farm, Bickington.  The site is by North Devon Council Recycling Centre where personnel from the Civic Centre have / are relocating.
The Planning Application was considered in December 2013 and since then, the turbine is still the same height and moved fractionally to the North.
It was noted that other wind turbine Planning Applications had been granted and would make this the fourth turbine giving a cumulative and visual aspect effects.

A response to the Planning Application had been drafted by Councillor Miss Edsell on behalf of the Parish Council, who had not been consulted as the Application was in Fremington Parish.  This did not preclude representations being made from this Parish.  The draft was read to the Meeting by Councillor Miss Edsell as follows:

There are turbines at Knowle Farm, Holmacott, one at Collacott and the turbine at Litchadon Farm is due to be erected very soon.  This Application will make four turbines in a small area creating a cumulative effect.
-  There will be inevitable visual / amenity impact on a number of our parishioners.
-  There is an obvious visual impact over a very extensive area, including the North side of the Taw estuary, Roundswell, Bickington and Barnstaple.

-  At least two important Grade II Listed Listed buildings are in the very near vicinity, which will be seriously impacted, damaging their cultural setting / value.
-  There is concern for known health implications for nearby residents and people working beside a large turbine.  This will affect North Devon Council employees when they move into the Brynsworthy Centre.
-  Endangered and thus highly protected bat species have been logged in the adjoining Brynsworthy Centre, namely Greater Horsehoe and Barbastelle, which will be adversely affected / destroyed.
-  Driver distraction from the large moving blades will affect traffic on the A39 and B3232.
-  Its owner's residence is given as Woolmers Farm, Bickington, about 2 miles distant from the actual turbine site.  Local people and some statutory consultees seem confused which is concerning as this is misinformation.

Proposed by Councillor Miss Edsell and seconded by Councillor Mrs Wilkinson to send the response.
Vote:  5 in favour.  1 abstention.

8.         Planning Correspondence.  The following ND Council Decision Notice was noted:
APPROVAL FOR 58783 – Retrospective Listed Building Application for works relating to the creation of a bathroom at Courtledge, Horwood.

9.         Finance. 
9.1       The following payments were approved and authorised:
Mrs S Squire The salary was £89.64 and HMRC £20.60. Payslip not received when Agenda was prepared.                                                                         

April Salary                                                                                £89.44
Contribution towards Broadband                                               £ 3.00
Photocopying                                                                             £13.45
Stationery – Zipped wallet for cheque /paying in book              £ 2.00
Postage to include election postage                                          £ 4.38          £112.27

HMRC                                           April PAYE                                               £  22.40

Devon Association of Local Councils 2015/16 Subscription                     £109.58

9.2       Balance of the Lloyds Treasurers Account.
Budgetary figures for March 2015 were incorporated into the year end accounts.

9.3       Approval of the 2014/15 Accounts.   Proposed by Councillor Tilbury to agree the accounts, seconded by Councillor Bennett and unanimously agreed.

9.4       2015 Audit.  Approval of the completion of the Annual Return and for the Clerk and Chairman to sign where necessary.
The Clerk asked Councillors for an assets figure to be inserted into the relevant box.  The sum of £15,000 had been included for the 2014 accounts.  Councillors were of the opinion that this could be the same for 2015.
The Clerk read the questions in Section 2 – Annual Governance Statement 2014/15 of the 2015 Annual Return.  Proposed by Councillor Mrs Lock, seconded by Councillor Moore and unanimously agreed for this Section of the Return to be completed.

Proposed by Councillor Mrs Lock, seconded by Councillor Mrs Wilkinson and unanimously agreed for the Chairman and Clerk to sign the Return.  
The Clerk advised that the date of internal audit had been advised – Tuesday, 19 May 2015 with collection on Tuesday 26 May.  The date of the external audit by Grant Thornton had been fixed for 22 June.

9.5       Horwood & Newton Tracey Community Primary School. Receipt received in respect of the cheque for £84.00 in respect of the hire of the school for Parish Council Meetings.

9.6       The Woodcott News.  Letter sent setting out the Parish Council’s views on the basis that the publication has, until recently, been a community publication.

10.       Correspondence. None received.

11.       Parish Council Compliance.

11.1     Freedom of Information Act Publication Scheme.  To study with a view to adopting.
Proposed by Councillor Moore to adopt, seconded by Councillor Miss Edsell and unanimously agreed.

11.2     Standing Orders.  To ratify the decision made in principle at the March 2015 Meeting regarding formal communications from parishioners or others.

Proposed by Councillor Miss Edsell, seconded by Councillor Tilbury and unanimously agreed.

12.       Notices & Publications Received  - were put on the table to see & read.

13.       Items raised by Councillors/Clerk.
13.1     Parish Council Election. The Clerk reminded Councillors that the deadline date for nominations to be submitted for those wishing to stand as a Parish Councillor in the forthcoming Parish Council Election on 7 May (also the same day as the District Council Election and General Election) is 4pm on Thursday, 9 April.  The nomination form has to be hand delivered to the Election Office at ND Council.

14.       Items for the next Agenda.   

Next Meeting:  Either Wednesday 13 May 2015 at 7.30pm in Horwood and Newton Tracey Primary School IF THERE IS NO PARISH COUNCIL ELECTION   OR
Friday, 15 May 2015 in the Village Hall at 4pm IF THERE IS A PARISH COUNCIL ELECTION.

The details will be known on Friday, 10 April 2015 when the Statement of Persons Nominated will be available on North Devon Council website.

Post Meeting Note:  Due to insufficient candidates standing for the forthcoming Parish Council Election, the Parish Council was inquorate and would not be operational from 11 May 2015. 

North Devon Council would organise an Election, the full cost of which would have to be borne by the Parish Council if it was contested.  This would take place within 35 working days of 11 May, the date when the votes for Parish Councils who did have an Election were counted.

It was not known when the next Parish Council Meeting would be held. 

The Meeting ended at 8.31pm.