Minutes of Horwood Lovacott and Newton Tracey Annual Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday, 8 July 2015 in Horwood and Lovacott Primary School at 7.30pm.
The Annual Meeting had been delayed from May 2015 due to insufficient Councillors standing at the Election and subsequent By Election and remained inquorate until a second By Election.
Chaired by: Councillor R Cane
Clerked by: Sue Squire
Present: Councillors
R Cane
L Fairlie
Mrs G Penny from Minute No. 5
Mrs K Smart
County Councillor F Biederman
From Minute No. 6 to 11
2 Members of the Public
Agenda: -
Councillors to sign their Declaration of Acceptance of Office Forms.
Register of Members Interests forms Had been sent for completion ahead of the Meeting
Election of Chairman
Chairman to read and sign Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Election of Vice Chairman
Co-option of Parish Councillors
Declarations of Interest
Public Participation
To receive and note the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 8/4/15 and an Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting on 5/5/15
Matters Arising
Reports for the last month
Planning & Planning Correspondence
Matters raised by Councillors / Clerk including
Highway issues
Date of next Meeting
1. Councillors signed their Declaration of Acceptance of Office Forms.
Register of Members Interests Forms had been sent for completion ahead of the Meeting and were handed to the Clerk for forwarding to North Devon Council.
2.Election of Chairman.
Councillor Fairlie proposed Councillor Cane, seconded by Councillor Mrs Smart and agreed.
3. The newly Chairman read and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
He welcomed everyone and thanked Councillors to allow him to be Chairman.
4. Election of Vice Chairman.
Councillor Mrs Smart proposed Councillor Fairlie, seconded by Councillor Cane and agreed.
5. Co-option of Parish Councillors. There are four vacancies on the Parish Council.
Three to be filled by co-option. One is a casual vacancy following the resignation of Mr B Tilbury for which Notices have been posted.
A letter of request to be co-opted had been received from Mrs Gemma Penny.
Councillor Cane proposed the co-option of Mrs Penny, seconded by Councillor Mrs Smart and unanimously agreed.
Newly elected Councillor Mrs Penny took her place at the table and signed the consent to co-option form and Declaration of Acceptance of Office. She would complete and return the Register of Interests form to the Clerk. Other compliance paperwork was handed to her for reading.
6. Apologies. District Councillor B Moores.
7. Declarations of Interest.
Councillor Fairlie declared a Prejudicial Interest in Minute No. 12.1. Planning Application 59530 – Removal of Condition 2 (occupancy restriction) attached to Planning Permission 2/85/1571/27/3 to allow year round use at Acorn Cottage, Newton Tracey.
8. Public Participation.
Councillors introduced themselves for the benefit of those present.
Mrs J Lock commented it was good to see new faces and young people with children.
Mrs Lock offered to support the new Councillors in any new initiatives.
9. The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 8 April 2015 and an Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 5 May 2015 were received and noted.
It was not possible to approve these as none of the sitting Councillors were present at the Meetings.
10. Matters Arising.
10.1 Speeding on the B3232 through Newton Tracey / Planning Application to increase the capacity of Deep Moor Tip.
It was noted that an email was sent to County Councillor Biederman requesting him to obtain further details. This was deferred to the August Meeting for more information to be obtained.
In the meantime, the Clerk to request details of accidents in the area for the last 4 years from PC M Goulding, the Road Casualty Reduction Officer (North).
10.2 Smaller Authorities Transparency Code. It was noted that all the details were sent to former Councillor Mrs J Lock for forwarding to the webmaster of Horwood website for inclusion by the deadline date of 1 July 2015.
On 30 June, advices were received informing that Councils now have a further twelve months to comply with the Code’s obligations.
The Clerk informed Councillors that the Horwood website had been offered as a means of complying with the Smaller Authorities Transparency Code which Councillors at the Extraordinary Meeting on 5/5/15 accepted, this Parish Council not having its own website in place.
At the Extraordinary Meeting arrangements were made to ensure that Tenders are sought for any new dedicated Parish Council website and that a quotation is to be sought from the person who has constructed the Horwood website (Horwooddevon.co.uk) where it had been intimated that this could be extended to include Lovacott and Newton Tracey.
Mrs Lock asked for a letter of authority from the Parish Council to have Minutes and other items on the website together with a suggested voluntary contribution of £7.50 per month to pay for the site.
As this was a financial matter and not on this Agenda, the item to be included on the August Agenda.
In the meantime, tenders to be invited from the Horwood webmaster to extend the site to include Lovacott and Newton Tracey, together with any other person known to be interested and in this connection, Mr T Squire (Parish Clerk’s husband) to be invited to submit a Tender.
11. Reports for the last month.
11.1 Police. The Clerk had looked on the Devon and Cornwall Police website and did not see any reports relating to this Parish.
Councillor Cane advised there had been vandalism in the area.
County Councillor Biederman advised that Fremington Parish Council had sent a letter of representation to the Police, acknowledging that it was not possible for a Police presence at every Meeting but requesting a monthly written report to be given.
The Clerk to contact her counterpart at Fremington to request a copy of the letter so that a similar letter could be sent to the Police from this Parish.
11.2 County Councillor F Biederman introduced himself and advised the role of Devon County Council.
He invited Councillors to contact him with any DCC issues and also advised that he had a Locality Budget which was used to help Parishes carry out enhancements and improvements in the Parish. He had given a sum of money for verge improvements at Newton Cross on the B3232.
The Clerk to prepare an up to date list of Councillors with contact details including the County and District Councillors
11.3 District Councillor B Moores. Not present, apologies sent.
12. Planning & Planning Correspondence.
12.1 Planning Applications: The following Applications were considered: The Applications were available to view on North Devon Council website: www.northdevon.gov.uk/planning
59422 – Outline Application for erection of six dwellings (three open market, three affordable), new entrance, parking & garages at Higher Westaway, Newton Tracey.
In connection with this Application, North Devon Council had sent an email as follows: In November, Government amended planning requirements for developments, specifically relating to public open space as part of off-site contributions. When negotiating agreements, we now need to put forward specific projects for the funds to be allocated towards, rather than holding a Public Open Space allocation for each Parish or town. With this in mind, could you please forward me the open space priorities for Newton Tracey. This can be for projects led by the Parish Council or any other community or sports group. The details are required to link with a proposed application at Higher Westaway, Newton Tracey.
As a result of this email, the Clerk contacted North Devon Council to enquire if the Public Open Space contribution applied to Newton Tracey alone, or whether Lovacott or Horwood could be included. The reply was that “when spending the funds it has to be reasonably located to the development. If you can justifiably argue that the nearest location is within a neighbouring parish, then that too would be acceptable”.
Proposed by Councillor Cane, seconded by Councillor Mrs Penny and agreed, with two abstentions to send the following reply on an informal basis due to a requirement of three Councillors agreeing to make the decision by a quorate number of Councillors:
It was resolved to recommend refusal on the grounds of increased traffic movements onto an already busy road used by heavy vehicles and concern for the safety of pedestrians walking on the road where the pavement suddenly ends which has not been designed in such a way as to ensure they are not at risk with vehicles entering and exiting the site. Councillors feel a more appropriate and safer site should be found.
59530 – Removal of Condition 2 (occupancy restriction) attached to Planning Permission 2/85/1571/27/3 to allow year round use at Acorn Cottage, Newton Tracey.
Councillor Fairlie declared a Prejudicial Interest, left the room and did not take part in the discussion, decision or voting thereon.
It was resolved to recommend to reply: “No objections”.
12.2 Planning Correspondence. The following North Devon Council Decision Notices were noted: APPROVALS FOR
59122 – Insertion of window on South elevation at Bartridge Cottage, Newton Tracey.
58715 – Erection of a 4.5MW solar photovoltaic power plant, together with inverters, transformers, substation & other ancillary equipment at Collacott Farm, Newton Tracey.
12.3 Notification of Planning Appeal. Land at Eastleigh Barton, Eastleigh, Bideford (in the Parish of Westleigh) - erection of a 500kw wind turbine (height 67m, height to hub 40m, blade diameter 54m) together with formation of new vehicular access track and associated infrastructure.
An appeal has been made to the Secretary of State against the decision of North Devon Council to refuse to grant planning permission.
The appeal will be determined on the basis of written representations.
If this Council wishes to make comments, or modify/withdraw previous representations, these have to reach the Planning Inspectorate by 14 July 2015.
The Clerk informed Councillors that contrary to the Agenda, this Council had in fact, made representations on this Application on 16/7/14 which recommended to refuse on the following grounds:
Heritage assets; landscape character and visibility impacts; cumulative effect; its proximity to the nearby Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty; visual impact on stretches of the South West Coastal Path; view point pictures; scale and lack of strategic policy.
These details had been emailed to Councillors ahead of the Meeting to study. Copies of the details were also available at the Meeting.
The following further representations to be made to the Planning Inspectorate:
‘There are more than sufficient lights appearing on the other side (Fullabrook Wind Farm) which will add to the light pollution. The migration route on to the Taw and Torridge Estuary has been changed which is considered a detrimental effect’.
12.3 The following item of Planning Correspondence had been received after the Agenda was prepared and sent:
North Devon Council. Letter regarding Application 59344 – Approval of details in respect of discharge of Condition 6 (appearance), 7 (programme of archaeological works), 9 (aviation obstruction lighting) & 10 (model specification) attached to Planning Permission 56756 at Lower Litchardon Farm Wind Turbine, Newton Tracey. The requirement to provide acceptable details of these conditions is discharged. Noted.
13. Correspondence. Publications Received were put on the table to see and read.
There was no correspondence to consider.
Councillor Cane asked the Clerk to send Councillors the link to the Village Green Magazine.
14. Finance. Balances. Lloyds Treasurers Account as at 14/5/15 as per Statement dated 1/6/15: £12,548.83.
Balance as at 3/7/15 (waiting for Statement to arrive): £12,336.81
Santander Business Account as at 7/5/15: £13.76.
Budgetary figures for April, May and June were tabled.
14.1 The following payments were approved at the Extraordinary Meeting on 5/5/15:
Mrs S Squire
May Salary £89.44
Contribution towards Broadband £ 3.00 £92.44
Mrs S Squire
June Salary £89.44
Contribution towards Broadband £ 3.00 £92.44
Mrs S Squire
July Salary £89.44
Contribution towards Broadband £ 3.00 £92.44
Contribution towards petrol is usually claimed every 6 Months (January & July). This will be claimed when the Parish Council is operational.
HMRC May PAYE £22.40
HMRC June PAYE £22.40
HMRC July PAYE £22.40
South & West Internal Audit £90.00
Fee for carrying out the internal audit
Lovacott Village Hall £10.00
Charge for hiring the Hall for this Meeting 2 hours at £5.00 per hour (small room used)
Councillors ratified the payments approved at the Extraordinary Meeting on 5/5/15 for the months of May, June and July.
Proposed by Councillor Mrs Smart, seconded by Councillor Fairlie and unanimously agreed.
14.2 Lloyds Bank.
14.2.1 Bank Mandate. The Clerk had prepared a change of signatory Mandate which Councillors completed.
14.2.3. Facility for ‘view only’ statements online. The Clerk asked for permission to progress this for ease of facilitating the account. It would be especially helpful if a Statement is awaited at the time of the Meeting and at the financial year end. No transactions could be made.
Proposed by Councillor Mrs Penny, seconded by Councilllor Mrs Smart and unanimously agreed to proceed.
14.2.4 2015 Statement of Internal Control. To approve this and agree for the Chairman and Clerk to sign the document. Details had been circulated to Councillors.
Proposed by Councillor Fairlie, seconded by Councillor Mrs Smart and unanimously agreed.
15. Matters raised by Councillors/ Clerk including Highways Issues.
15.1 Councillor Cane advised of damage to the wall at Horwood House. It was thought to be an enforcement matter and the details to be passed to the Enforcement Department at North Devon Council.
15.2 Councillor Cane’s request regarding speed of traffic and damage to hedgebanks had been covered earlier in the Meeting.
15.3 Location of future Parish Council Meetings. To continue to be at Horwood and Newton Tracey Primary School.
15.4 Meetings to be held on the second Wednesday in the month, as has previously been the case.
15.5 Training. There are various courses available for which the Parish Council has a budget. Councillors had been circulated with these details, together with the Clerk’s Report on her attendance at a Code of Conduct training session on 29/5/15.
The Clerk suggested in-house training by the Devon Association of Local Councils, which Councillors welcomed. This could also be opened up to other Parishes to help offset the cost of £200.
It was noted from the budgetary figures that a budget of £100.00 had been agreed for training.
The Clerk explained that the present situation was not known when the budget was set in November 2014 and in the circumstances, there was justification that the budget would be exceeded.
15.6 Quarterly Inspection of Parish Council Assets. The Clerk advised of the historic arrangement in place.
Councillor Fairlie would inspect the Lovacott items. He had noted that the notice board required varnishing and would do this.
Councillor Cane would inspect the Horwood items.
Councillors Mrs Sharp and Mrs Penny would inspect the Newton Tracey item.
15.7 Minutes in the Woodcott News. The Clerk suggested that instead of sending the complete set of Minutes for insertion, that bullet points are submitted, similar to what is done for Parish Council Minutes in other Parishes.
This would give an overview of the Meeting rather than parishioners having to read the complete set of Minutes.
The Minutes would be available for anyone who required the full set.
16. Date of next Meeting: Wednesday, 12 August 2015 in Horwood & Newton Tracey Primary School at 7.30pm.
The Meeting ended at 22.06pm.
Summary of Decisions:
Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman
Co-option of Councillor Mrs G Penny
Ratification of payments for May, June and July
Online banking on a ‘view only’ basis
Approval and signature of the 2015 Statement of Internal Control
These Minutes are agreed by those present as being a true record.
Chair of